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use "tangle" in a sentence

Our fishing lines got all tangled up when we were bringing them in.

The whale died after getting tangled in a fisherman's net.

My hair always gets really tangled if I don't use a conditioner when I wash my hair.

Many dolphins die unnecessarily after getting tangled in

fishermen's nets.

The electrical wires to the computer are all tangled up on the floor under my desk.

The dog became tangled up in its leash, and was almost strangled.

The sky-diver got the lines of his parachute all tangled, and plunged to his death.

A spider's web

serves to entangle its prey so that the spider can relax, and have a leisurely, enjoyable supper.

It took them days to march through the tangled jungle of the Amazon to the camp.

They lay in bed naked, a tangle of sweaty arms and legs.

Walter Scott wrote, "Oh, what a

tangled web we weave when first we practice to deceive."

The fly became tangled up in the web, and was quickly devoured by the spider.

If you try to tangle with that guy, you're going to get your ass kicked.

A tangle of trees, plants, and vines marks the rainforest of Cameroon.

The pygmy people living in the Democratic Republic of the Congo are able to slip easily through the tangled jungle growth of the forest they call their home.

In 1927, dancer Isadora Duncan was accidentally strangled to death when her long scarf became tangled in the wheel of the car she was riding in.

It took me ten minutes to untangle the line of my kite from the tree branches.

taste - task - target - tape - tap - tank - 

The word tangle sentence

English words and Examples of Usage

Example sentences with the tangle, a sentence example for tangle, and how to make tangle in sample sentence, how do I use the word tanglein a sentence?spell tangle in a sentence? spelling of tanglew