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use "tame" in a sentence

There is a tame squirrel living in a tree in our backyard that will eat nuts right out of your hand.

The bears in the circus are supposed to be tame, but they can still be dangerous and unpredictable.

We tamed a raccoon enough so that we could pet it and feed it cookies.


have a tame lion that walks around their property and even comes in their house and sits on their living room floor when they're watching television.

The boys thought they had rented a sex film, but it was pretty tame.

Firefighters succeeded in taming the blaze before it got out of


Wild bears can be tamed fairly easily if they are captured while still very young.

The birds are so tame in my garden that they will eat right out of my hand.

President Bush promised voters in Arizona that his government would help tame the border and halt illegal


The book was very controversial when it first came out twenty years ago, but it's tame by today's standards.

The wizard was able to tame all the wild birds and beasts into following his commands.

The version of the movie they showed on television is quite tame. They cut out all the sex and stuff.

The deer became very tame after we started feeding them apples and carrots.

You'd better learn to tame that bad temper of yours if you want to keep your job.

My mother had a fierce temper that she never quite managed to tame enough to please my father.

Noela Evans once said that challenge is like a dragon with a gift in its mouth; tame the dragon, and the gift is yours.

task - target - tape - tap - tank - tangle - 

The word tame sentence

English words and Examples of Usage

Example sentences with the tame, a sentence example for tame, and how to make tame in sample sentence, how do I use the word tamein a sentence?spell tame in a sentence? spelling of tamew