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use "suspend" in a sentence

A police officer has been suspended without pay, pending an investigation into charges of corruption.

The light was suspended from the ceiling.

Sprinter Ben Johnson received a lengthy suspension from international competition after testing positive for steroids at the Seoul


The movie keeps you in a state of suspense right up until the very end.

The union has agreed to suspend strike action pending the outcome of today's negotiations.

The film "The Usual Suspects" is a suspenseful thriller from beginning to end.

Daniel Dafoe wrote

that the best of men cannot suspend their fate; the good die early, and the bad die late.

Akashi Kaikyo Bridge, the world's longest suspension bridge, opened to traffic on April 5, 1998.

Can I please open my presents now? The suspense is killing me.

In 1981, army officer Jerry

Rawlings took over the government of Ghana, dissolved Parliament, and suspended the Constitution.

Laurence Perrine once noted that suspense in fiction is greatest when the reader's curiosity is combined with anxiety about the fate of some sympathetic character.

In 1994, the Pan Africanist Congress voted to suspend its armed struggle against the government of President F. W. DeKlerk.

In August of 1940, an American couple were married while suspended from parachutes.

A long series of coups in the African nation of Ghana resulted in the suspension of the Constitution in 1981, and the banning of political parties.

Following the fraudulent elections of May 2000, international donors suspended almost all aid to Haiti.

Jake was suspended from school for a week after bringing a bag of marijuana to school.

Belief in religion requires a suspension of rational thought which I am not prepared to make.

He has been suspended from school a number of times and is at risk of being expelled.

The government is suspending negotiations with the union until the striking workers are back on the job.

If management suspends the employee, the union may call for a strike.

Find someone who knows someone who has been suspended from school.

swear - sway - swap - swamp - swallow - sustain - 

The word suspend sentence

English words and Examples of Usage

Example sentences with the suspend, a sentence example for suspend, and how to make suspend in sample sentence, how do I use the word suspendin a sentence?spell suspend in a sentence? spelling of suspendw