A recent survey showed that most respondents favor freedom of choice in abortion.
My neighbor and I weren't sure where our properties ended exactly, so we had a surveyor come in to verify exactly where the border between the two properties is.
The government has released a recent
survey showing that 25% of women aged 15 and over have been sexually harassed at some point in the past 5 years.
A recent telephone survey of over 1,000 households revealed that over 70% of families in this country now recycle.
Advertising companies often survey the public to measure
interest in a product.
We did an informal survey in the class, and found that most people wanted to have the party this Friday.
ESL students should survey several different learners' dictionaries before deciding which one to buy.
Although we cannot count every star in our galaxy, we
can take a survey in the region of space near our sun.
He did a survey course in psychology to decide if he wanted to choose it as his major.
There is an Italian proverb which states that he who builds by the roadside has many surveyors.
According to a recent economic survey, more and more people are going into debt.
We surveyed the farms around us from the top of the mountain.
George Santayana remarked that a man's feet should be planted in his country, but his eyes should survey the world.
Cicero stated that if a man could mount to heaven and survey the mighty universe, his admiration of its beauties would be much diminished unless he had someone to share in his pleasure.
A 1998 aerial survey showed that there are presently more than 127,000 seals living in British Columbia's waters.
According to a recent survey, more Americans lose their virginity in June than in any other month.
Surveys in Belarus have revealed important deposits of valuable minerals.
In Nepal, surveys show that over 70% of the daily work is done by women.
Mount Everest was named for the British surveyor who first recorded the height and location of the mountain.
The military in Fiji is responsible for surveillance of the country's territorial waters.
Surveillance cameras have been installed on many of our nation's busiest streets in order to catch those who ignore traffic signals.
Survey teams working in China have spent the past three years searching for signs of giant pandas in the wild.
Psychologists use surveys to sample reported behavior broadly by gathering responses from many different individuals.
A crew is surveying the property to determine where the property line is.
Find someone who has taken part in a survey.