The ascent of Mount Logan was the supreme challenge of his brief climbing career.
Adolf Hitler believed in the supremacy of a German master race.
The case is set to go before the Supreme Court next month.
The American basketball team is supremely confident that it will
win the gold medal at the Olympics.
In ancient times, the King was considered the supreme authority in all matters of state.
There is an Indian proverb which states that non-violence is the supreme law of life.
The planet Jupiter is named after the supreme god of the
The leader of Mars became the Supreme Commander of the Universe after eating the previous commander from Saturn.
Sun Tzu once said that supreme excellence consists in breaking the enemy's resistance without fighting.
Larry seems supremely confident of winning the
tournament, but I wouldn't bet on him.
The male image of God serves to indirectly reinforce male supremacy on Earth.
In Paraguay, men are generally considered to be the supreme authority in their homes, and in public.
In 1988, the President of Pakistan decreed that the Islamic legal code would be the supreme law in that nation.
Whereas the political supremacy of Athens lasted only about 50 years, that of Rome endured nearly 500.
In 1535, Cardinal John Fisher was executed at Tower Hill in London after refusing to recognize King Henry VIII as supreme head of the Church of England.
The victory of British forces under General Wolfe over the French on the Plains of Abraham in 1759 ensured British supremacy in Canada.
Victor Hugo once stated that the supreme happiness of life is the conviction that we are loved.
The supremacy of the Pope began to be questioned beginning around the fourteenth century.
In the thirteenth century, the church was seen as the supreme authority, not only in regards to faith and morals, but also in intellectual and political affairs.
Marilyn French once stated that women suffer wherever male supremacy exists.