Two hours should be sufficient time to finish the work.
Mark hadn't sufficiently cleaned the carpet, so we could still see the wine stains.
I question the sufficiency of a single one-quart bottle of water for a half-day hike on a hot day like this.
We had a large breakfast,
so a light lunch should suffice until dinner time.
Taiwan is self-sufficient in rice.
There were sufficient canned goods in the cabin to last until spring.
Gandhi observed that there is sufficiency in the world for man's need, but not for man's greed.
There is a
Chinese proverb which states that to learn what is good, a thousand days are not sufficient, but to learn what is evil, an hour is too long.
Maintaining a separate language and culture is difficult without a sufficiently large ethnic concentration within a given area.
Although stars are
continually losing mass, for most stars this loss of mass does not appear sufficient to alter the evolution of the star.
The threat of force is usually sufficient to secure the lawful conduct of most citizens.
To obtain sufficient nourishment, a panda consumes as much as 36 kilograms of bamboo daily.
The best time for you to learn a foreign language is when your need is clearest, and when you have sufficient time.
Brown bears need to eat a lot in the summer and fall in order to build up sufficient fat reserves for surviving the winter.
A rooftop solar water heater requires about three hours of sunshine per day to provide sufficient hot water for a family of four.
Two-thirds of North Americans aren't sufficiently active to benefit their health.
Malnutrition occurs when people don't eat sufficient amounts of the right food.
Leopards can be found all over Africa, and in parts of South-East Asia, wherever there is sufficient tree cover for them to hide in.
Forgetting material which is stored in long-term memory cannot be sufficiently explained by the simple passage of time.
We have insufficient information to make a decision at this point.
The police were unable to lay charges, due to insufficient evidence.
The check was refused because there were insufficient funds in the account.
Research suggests that the decontextualised learning of vocabulary is not sufficient to allow a student to truly know and be able to use a word.
We were insufficiently prepared for the camping trip, so we ran out of food after three days.
Gandhi once suggested that the difference between what we do and what we're capable of doing would suffice to solve most of the world problems.
Marly is taking $300 of his own money on his trip to Disneyland and Los Angeles - I really think that should suffice.
This turkey should suffice for a party of 12 at our Christmas dinner.
My father taught me to never take two helpings of food when one would suffice.
Meister Eckhart once stated that if the only prayer you said in your whole life was, 'thank you,' that would suffice.