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use "succeed" in a sentence

If at first you don't succeed, try, try again.

His success is entirely due to his hard work.

He has been very successful in business, and his company is now worth millions.

The former champion has been unsuccessful in a number of attempts at regaining his


After 10 years of trying, my sister has finally succeeded in her attempts to quit smoking.

Scientists have successfully cloned a number of mammals now, including a sheep and a pig.

Our newest product launch has been the success of the year.

Mel Gibson's first

directing attempt was a hugely successful beginning to a second career in film-making, this time behind the camera.

Actress Sophia Loren once remarked that spaghetti can be eaten most successfully if you inhale it like a vacuum cleaner.

Maria Montessori once said, "Never help a child with a

task at which he feels he can succeed."

There is a Dutch proverb that states that he who tries to do too much seldom succeeds.

Mother Teresa once remarked that God doesn't require us to succeed; he only requires that you try.

There is a Saudi Arabian proverb which observes that men learn little from success, but much from failure.

There is a Laotian proverb which notes that if you like to have things easy, you'll have difficulties, but if you like problems, you will succeed.

Someone once said that success is a dream turned into reality.

I saw a public service message on the bus once that read, "No success can compensate for failure in the home."

A wise man once noted that good luck is a lazy man's estimate of a worker's success.

The first successful parachute jump was made in the United States in 1912.

A committee will meet tomorrow morning to appoint a successor to our late vice-president.

Benjamin E. Mays once proclaimed, "We, today, stand on the shoulders of our predecessors who have gone before us. We, as their successors, must catch the torch of freedom and liberty passed on to us by our ancestors. We cannot lose in this battle."

Boris Yeltsin prepared Vladimir Putin to be his successor as the leader of Russia.

Helen Keller once observed that life is a succession of lessons which must be lived to be understood.

Following the death of Alexander the Great in 331 B.C., control of Egypt passed to Ptolemy, whose successors ruled until the Roman conquest of 31 B.C.

Since the time of William the Conquerer, every successive British monarch save two has been crowned at Westminster Abbey.

Early attempts to teach chimpanzees to speak were unsuccessful because the animals lack the necessary vocal equipment.

Discussion question: What do you think is necessary to achieve success in one's career?

Find someone who knows someone who is a successful businessman.

Successive governments have tried to deal with this issue over the years.

suicide - suggest - sufficient - suffer - sue - suck - 

The word succeed sentence

English words and Examples of Usage

Example sentences with the succeed, a sentence example for succeed, and how to make succeed in sample sentence, how do I use the word succeedin a sentence?spell succeed in a sentence? spelling of succeedw