There is a subtle difference in meaning between the two words that is difficult to explain.
His sense of humor is quite subtle, so sometimes it's hard to know if he is joking or if he's serious.
Her novels have a common theme which is often quite subtle, but is nonetheless important
to the outcome of the story.
This premium wine has subtle tastes of chocolate and cherries that make it quite special.
Books that are translated often lose the subtleties of language which are present in the original.
Thoreau once remarked that we perceive, and are affected by
changes too subtle to be described.
There is a Congolese proverb which states that a little subtlety is better than a lot of force.
The Monarch butterfly can discern tastes 12,000 times more subtle than those perceivable by human taste buds.
Karl Marx believed that the
dominant few encourage religious faith among the masses as a subtle tool in the process of economic exploitation.
The subtle humor of the film, combined with the real tenderness between the characters, make it one of the best movies of the year.
The qualities that make a Stradivarius violin superior to fine modern violins are so subtle that the average listener cannot detect them.
Research shows that there is a small number of individuals who experience great difficulties in learning foreign languages because they may have some subtle processing difficulties in their native language.
Louis Pasteur once observed that science advances through tentative answers to a series of more and more subtle questions which reach deeper and deeper into the essence of natural phenomena.
Seasonal temperature changes are more subtle near the equator than they are in other areas.
In Burundi, whispered singing is a technique of singing quietly enough to allow for the subtle sounds of the traditional instruments to be clearly heard.
Doctors warn that many of the symptoms of diabetes can be so subtle that they often go ignored for 10-15 years.
Many problems are caused by the subtle modification of a river system as a result of urbanization.
Hot water created by factories is a very subtle type of liquid pollutant.