Grandma broke her hip today when she stumbled and fell at the supermarket.
I stumbled in the dark on my way to the outhouse and hurt my big toe.
The hiker stumbled over a tree root and almost fell into the river.
The little boy stumbled and then fell into the classroom
as his classmates watched and laughed.
The runner stumbled at the start of the race and was unable to catch up with the pack after that.
The man was stumbling as he crossed the road, and it was obvious that he was drunk.
The President seemed unsure of himself and stumbled over
his answers when questioned by the press.
She seemed really nervous and stumbled over the words in her speech.
Elizabeth broke her ankle when she stumbled over a rock while walking on the beach.
It was the first week of rehearsals, and the actors were still stumbling over
their lines.
In 1830, a British man became the first person in the world known to have been killed in a railway accident, when he stumbled and fell under the wheels of an oncoming train.
A Haitian proverb notes that to stumble is not to fall.
A Chinese proverb notes that small ills are the sources of most of our groans. Men trip not on mountains; they stumble on stones.
William Shakespeare wrote, "Wisely and slow. They stumble that run fast."
Ryszard Kapuscinski once suggested that life is truly known only to those who suffer, lose, endure adversity and stumble from defeat to defeat.
Find someone who has stumbled today.