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use "stick" in a sentence

We are teaching our dog how to fetch a stick.

The children spent the afternoon throwing sticks into the creek, and watching them drift downstream.

He was arrested after hitting someone over the head with his stick during the hockey game.

I can't swim very far when I do the

crawl, so I usually stick to the breast stroke.

Budget travelers can live for well under $50 a day in the African nation of Gabon if they stick to cheap resthouses and restaurants.

The dog went out into the water to get the stick his master had thrown.

With his sticky

hands and feet, Spiderman is able to walk up the sides of buildings.

When my kids were small, they liked to collect colorful stickers that they kept in an album.

With little sticky pads on their toes, tree frogs can actually climb the smooth surface of a windowpane.

There was some

sticky stuff coming out from where the tree branch had been cut.

Some orangutans have discovered how to use sticks to get insects out of holes.

When I was a little boy, I used to enjoy spending time at the park watching sticks float down the stream, and chasing after them.

He broke his arm, and we could see the bone sticking out.

Stirring rice while it simmers mashes the grains, and makes the rice sticky.

In the culture of Tibet, it's good manners to stick out your tongue at your guests.

Houseflies have sticky feet which allow them to walk on the ceiling.

Snails produce a colorless, sticky discharge that forms a protective carpet under them as they travel along.

The children were playing war with pointed sticks, and one of them accidentally got poked in the arm and had to go to the hospital.

You'd better sharpen that stake a bit if you want to stick it in the vampire's heart tonight.

If an insect tries to eat a bit of gum, its jaws will stick together, and it will die of starvation.

Einstein once said: " I don't know with what weapons World War Three will be fought, but World War Four will be fought with sticks and stones."

It was very hard for Betty to make chocolate chip cookies for her son's class while trying to stick to her diet.

You can't use the recreational facilities unless you have a valid sticker on your student card.

Don't touch the walls; the paint is still sticky.

The children just finished their ice-cream cones and their hands are all sticky.

We gathered some sticks to make a fire.

The stickiness on the table is from some beer that was spilt.

I got stuck in traffic coming home, and it took me over an hour to get about one mile.

The little boy stuck his finger in a pop bottle and couldn't get it out.

I got stuck on question five on the math test because I couldn't remember the formula.

She stuck her boyfriend's photo on the inside of her locker door.

Winnie-the-Pooh ate so much honey while visiting Rabbit at home, that he got stuck while trying to get out of his hole.

A Chinese proverb notes that he who stands still in the mud sticks in it.

A Chinese proverb observes that water does not stick to the mountain, and vengeance does not stick to a big heart.

A Hebrew proverb remarks that poverty is a wonderful thing. It sticks to a man after all his friends have forsaken him.

A Japanese proverb notes that an accomplishment sticks to a person.

Theodore Roosevelt once advised, "Speak softly and carry a big stick."

Samuel Johnson once said that a fishing rod is a stick with a hook at one end and a fool at the other.

George Elliot once advised, "Keep true, never be ashamed of doing right; decide on what you think is right and stick to it."

Mao Zedong once said, "In waking a tiger, use a long stick."

Find someone who has bought glow-in-the-dark stickers.

stock - stitch - stir - sting - stimulate - stiff - 

The word stick sentence

English words and Examples of Usage

Example sentences with the stick, a sentence example for stick, and how to make stick in sample sentence, how do I use the word stickin a sentence?spell stick in a sentence? spelling of stickw