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use "stereotype" in a sentence

Television often reinforces a stereotype of black men as being involved in gangs, and other criminal activity.

My dad was the stereotypical American father of his generation; he worked a lot, and hardly spent any time with his children.

Until you really get to know someone from another

culture, it is common to believe stereotypes of the people from the country.

The stereotypes of different ethnic groups as portrayed in the media can often promote racism and discrimination in society.

The traditional stereotype of a gay man is someone with an effeminate voice and


Many people in the Italian community felt insulted by the stereotypical depiction of Italians as members of the Mafia.

Parents complained to the school that the book their children were reading in class was too stereotypical in its description of boys' and girls' roles, with the

male characters being strong and adventurous, and the female characters being very shy and timid.

Paul has a stereotypically male world view that most women find somewhat annoying.

Stereotypes are formed when people make generalizations about people they don't really know.

It is important to remember that there is no stereotype of "the good language learner," and instead, there are many different learning styles.

Naomi Wolf once suggested that Western women have been controlled by ideals and stereotypes as much as by material constraints.

The likelihood of the occurrence of prejudice and discriminatory behavior is increased by stereotypes.

Repeated exposure to individuals in a stereotyped group has been shown to result in a reduction in prejudice.

People often stereotype other cultures or races simply because they do not know the people personally.

The stereotype of a Canadian is a person who cuts down trees, and plays hockey.

Discussion question: What stereotype do you think other people have of your country's people and culture?

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The word stereotype sentence

English words and Examples of Usage

Example sentences with the stereotype, a sentence example for stereotype, and how to make stereotype in sample sentence, how do I use the word stereotypein a sentence?spell stereotype in a sentence? spelling of stereotypew