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use "starve" in a sentence

Many people in North Korea starved to death during the famine there.

A cockroach can live nine days without its head before it starves to death.

Apparently, if an insect chews on gum, its jaws will stick together, and it will starve to death.

Singer Karen Carpenter had an

eating disorder and wouldn't eat and eventually starved herself to death.

After playing tennis all morning, we were really starved.

They just seem to ignore their daughter, so she is totally starved for attention.

With this year's heavy snowfall, local deer can't find food,

and will starve if something isn't done to feed them.

Over 500 people have died of starvation since the beginning of the year in my homeland.

Approximately 3000 people will starve to death somewhere in the world in the time it takes to complete this class.

My mother always

told me to finish everything on my plate because there are so many starving people in the world.

She left her apartment for a week with her pet canary inside without food, and the poor thing died of starvation.

Benjamin Harris once said, "I pity the man who wants a coat so cheap that the man or woman who produces the cloth will starve in the process. "

There is a Korean proverb which observes that if you starve for three days, there is no thought that does not invade your imagination.

John Naisbitt once remarked that we are drowning in information, but starved for knowledge.

Ben Bova once suggested that feeding the starving poor only increases their number.

If Americans ate 10 percent less meat, the savings in grains would feed 60 million people, which is the number of people who starve worldwide each year.

A person who is lost in the woods, and starving can survive by chewing on his shoes; leather has enough nutritional value to keep someone alive for a short time.

While awake, hummingbirds must eat at least every 30 minutes or they will starve to death.

Let's go get something to eat; I'm starving!

Millions of workers died of starvation, disease, and exhaustion during the building of the Great Wall of China.

In the 1930s, the Nazis began murdering physically and mentally disabled people by gas, lethal injection and forced starvation.

Discussion question: Do you think we will ever be able to eliminate starvation in the world?

Find someone who is concerned about starvation in the developing world.

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The word starve sentence

English words and Examples of Usage

Example sentences with the starve, a sentence example for starve, and how to make starve in sample sentence, how do I use the word starvein a sentence?spell starve in a sentence? spelling of starvew