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use "stage" in a sentence

A young man jumped on the stage, and tried to attack the speaker before being grabbed by police.

Cam helped a high school class stage the musical "Oliver," and it was a great success.

Piaget described the different stages in the cognitive development of children.


staged a large demonstration against the World Trade Organization when it met in Seattle.

The space shuttle exploded in the first stage of its flight, killing all the astronauts onboard.

The children assembled on stage to sing the national anthem.

She is undergoing tests in

order to determine the stage of development of her cancer.

Stonehenge was built in stages from about 2800 B.C. to about 1075 B.C.

Sigmund Freud believed that every child goes through a series of personality development stages.

Shakespeare tells us that all the world's a

stage, And all the men and women merely players: They have their exits and their entrances; And one man in his time plays many parts.

There are six different stages in a salmon's life cycle.

The children were all dressed as various fruits and vegetables as they danced across the stage in the school play.

In a rocket, thrust is periodically increased several times during take off by the ignition of a new stage.

Lance Armstrong's win in the 11th stage of the Tour de France cycling race is enough to put the American in the lead, ahead of Joseba Beloki by 1:12.

In May of 1961, Major-General Chung-hee Park staged a military coup in South Korea, and ruled until his assassination in 1979.

The first stage in the search for oil is an aerial survey.

Sathya Sai Baba once noted that each work has to pass through these stages - ridicule, opposition and then acceptance.

David Suzuki notes that we humans are social beings, herd animals who depend on each other at every stage of our lives.

A landscape which is eroded by natural water systems will evolve through a series of predictable stages.

Discussion question: Have you ever performed on a stage in front of an audience? Talk about your experience.

Find someone who has performed on stage.

standard - stall - stalk - stake - stair - stain - 

The word stage sentence

English words and Examples of Usage

Example sentences with the stage, a sentence example for stage, and how to make stage in sample sentence, how do I use the word stagein a sentence?spell stage in a sentence? spelling of stagew