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use "spouse" in a sentence

Employees are welcome to bring their spouse to the annual Christmas party.

Please indicate on the form if your spouse is insured under any other medical plan.

Our parental leave plan allows either you or your spouse to take up to six months of paid leave after the birth of a


You must indicate on your income tax form how much your spouse has earned for the year .

My job offers medical and dental benefits for myself, my spouse and my children.

If you live with a boyfriend or girlfriend for 2 or more years, he or she is considered to be your

spouse, with the same benefits and obligations as if you were married.

If I die before I retire, will my spouse receive my pension?

The spousal benefits under this plan do not include receiving your pension if you die first.

A recent study has shown housework chores to be a

major area of dispute between spouses.

Because women generally live longer than men, most men have a spouse who looks after them until death, while most women do not.

Someone once joked, "Get a new car for your spouse; it's an excellent trade!"

If your spouse becomes disabled, you may receive some government benefits to allow you to care for him or her.

Any major financial questions should be discussed with your spouse before you make any decisions.

Enjoyment of sex with one's spouse is seen as a major factor in maintaining a happy marriage.

It is a great emotional strain for a person when a spouse is diagnosed with cancer, but unfortunately all the attention is usually given to the patient, and his or her partner's need for support may be overlooked.

It is illegal to marry the former spouse of a grandparent in some parts of the United States.

In Russia, when a friend is leaving on a trip, it is common for this person and a close friend or spouse to sit in silence on the traveler's packed suitcases for a few minutes before he or she leaves. This moment of togetherness is believed to cause the traveler to have a safe journey.

Dr. Benjamin Spock once said, "I would say that the surest measure of a man's or a woman's maturity is the harmony, style, joy, and dignity he creates in his marriage, and the pleasure and inspiration he provides for his spouse."

Akbarali Jetha once noted that often we change jobs, friends and spouses instead of ourselves.

There is a Cape Verdean proverb which holds that a person without a spouse is like a vase without flowers.

There is a Chinese proverb which observes that spouses that love each other say a thousand things without speaking.

There is an Indian proverb which states that the spouse of a woman is a man, but the spouse of a man is his livelihood.

In England, until the first Divorce Court was established in 1857, men often traded their unwanted spouses like any other possession.

The United Nations Universal Declaration of Human Rights states that marriage shall be entered into only with the free and full consent of the intending spouses.

Surveys show that many ex-spouses develop pleasant and cooperative shared parenting arrangements following their divorce.

Discussion question: Do you think a gay person's live-in lover should be recognized as his/her spouse, with all the rights and obligations of a husband or wife?

Discussion question: Would you look for different qualities in a boy or girlfriend than in a spouse?

Find someone who has a spouse.

spy - spur - sprint - sprinkle - spread - spray - 

The word spouse sentence

English words and Examples of Usage

Example sentences with the spouse, a sentence example for spouse, and how to make spouse in sample sentence, how do I use the word spousein a sentence?spell spouse in a sentence? spelling of spousew