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use "speculate" in a sentence

She speculated as to her friend's motives.

The President has refused to speculate on whether military intervention will be necessary.

I really can't speculate at this point as to who the Prime Minister will include in his new Cabinet.

It's useless speculating what

Henderson would do if he were in charge because he's not in charge, and he never will be.

Any guesses as to who will take over as chairman are pure speculation at this point, and shouldn't be taken seriously.

This latest development has raised further speculation about his political


Following the discoveries of Isaac Newton, scientists no longer had to speculate on why the planets move.

The dramatic increase in the price of housing is the result of speculation, and the drop in interest rates.

Mark Twain once said that there are two times in a man's life

when he should not speculate: when he can't afford it, and when he can.

It is really too early to speculate on what the new leader of the party will be able to do about uniting the different interests into supporting a single policy initiative.

Futurists are now speculating that computers capable of thinking abstractly will be developed in our lifetimes.

The exact origins of the human species are subject to broad speculation.

When oil was first discovered in Venezuela in the early 1900s, speculators were disappointed not to find similar deposits in the neighboring country of Colombia.

Speculation over the existence of the land now known as Antarctica was not confirmed until the early 1820s.

The Upanishads, written around 600 B.C., are a collection of Indian speculations on the nature of reality and the soul, and the relations between these two.

The link between stress and the immune system has led some to speculate about the possible relationship between stress and chronic illnesses such as cancer.

Rather than trying to make conclusions based on speculation, psychologists conduct research to develop and test theories regarding how and why people act, think and feel the way they do.

He inherited an immense fortune, which he then increased by speculation.

Discussion question: How do you feel about speculating on the stock market?

Find someone who has speculated on the stock market.

spirit - spiral - spin - spill - spike - sphere - 

The word speculate sentence

English words and Examples of Usage

Example sentences with the speculate, a sentence example for speculate, and how to make speculate in sample sentence, how do I use the word speculatein a sentence?spell speculate in a sentence? spelling of speculatew