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use "specimen" in a sentence

Specimens of almost every seashell species from the Indian Ocean wash up on Mozambique's beaches.

When collecting wild mushrooms, it is important to keep edible and poisonous specimens in separate containers.

The rarest rainforest animal is the golden lion tamarin, with less than 250

specimens left in the world.

This fossil here is a particularly interesting specimen.

A specimen of the accused killer's blood was taken for analysis.

There are hundreds of specimens of dinosaur fossils on display in the museum's featured exhibition.


laboratory found evidence of parasites in your cat's stool specimen.

Specimens of hair taken from the factory workers showed abnormally high levels of lead in their systems.

A collector recently paid over $100,000 for a rare specimen of butterfly.

The Smithsonian Institute in

Washington, D.C. contains the world's largest collection of seashells, with over 15 million specimens.

Kerry Gruson once described urban man as an uncommon zoo specimen that survives on a diet of hamburgers, French fries and Coke.

The Natural History Museum in South Kensington is filled with magnificent specimens and exciting displays.

Studies of the surviving specimens of Ancient Greek music suggest that it resembled the music of the early Middle Ages.

No authentic specimens of ancient Roman music have survived to the present day.

Find someone who has looked at a blood specimen under a microscope.

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The word specimen sentence

English words and Examples of Usage

Example sentences with the specimen, a sentence example for specimen, and how to make specimen in sample sentence, how do I use the word specimenin a sentence?spell specimen in a sentence? spelling of specimenw