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use "specific" in a sentence

I don't know what you mean. Can you be a bit more specific about what problems your car is having?

If you look at the specifications for this new sound system, you will see that they are quite impressive.

Politicians never get very specific about what they will do if elected because

they don't want to make too many promises they can't keep.

This dictionary is not made for any specific language level; it can be used by anyone studying English, from the beginner to the advanced learner.

You need to be more specific about what the problem is before I can help


The directions specify how the medicine is to be used.

This is the first time that a political party has done advertising specifically aimed at minority voters.

Martial arts star Bruce Lee once observed that in life you must absorb what is useful, reject what is useless, and add

what is specifically your own.

There is a Chinese proverb which observes that one dog barks at something specific, and then a hundred bark at the sound.

Gasoline has no specific freezing point; it freezes at any temperature between -180 and -240 degrees Fahrenheit.

We can describe most things in our environment at a variety of levels of abstraction, from very broad and general categories, to very narrow and specific terms.

We didn't specify a time exactly, but we'll probably meet at the restaurant around noon.

The U.S. plan clearly specifies a time frame for withdrawal of its troops from the area.

The television report stated that many people had died, but didn't specify the exact number.

Our new contract specifies that we have to be notified a week in advance of any unscheduled meetings.

Your agreement specifies that the student loan must be repaid within three months of graduating if you want to avoid paying interest.

We specified to the company that we would not pay for any merchandise that was damaged en route.

I've heard a number of general statements about the problem, but now I want the specifics.

An unspecified number of people were injured in a big accident on the highway.

This new drug targets specific cancer cells and kills them without harming any healthy cells.

This illness appears to be specific to children under the age of five.

We need to draw up some general guidelines for the project before we start getting down to specifics.

She bought the dress specifically for her high school graduation ceremony.

Is there anything specific that you want me to pick up for supper or should I just get whatever is on sale?

speculate - spectrum - spectator - spectacular - spectacle - specimen - 

The word specific sentence

English words and Examples of Usage

Example sentences with the specific, a sentence example for specific, and how to make specific in sample sentence, how do I use the word specificin a sentence?spell specific in a sentence? spelling of specificw