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use "source" in a sentence

The source of the river is somewhere in the mountains.

His heavy drinking is the source of all his problems.

The BBC is the official source of news in England.

The main source of jobs for teenagers in this town during the summertime is the tourist


Sources within the police department say that many officers feel that marijuana should be legalized.

The main source of income for many street performers is tourists.

The source of a lot of the maple syrup produced in the world is the state of Vermont.


Einstein once said that the most beautiful thing we can experience is the mysterious. It is the source of all true art and science.

There is a Thai proverb which states that work is the source of all good.

A housefly can transport germs as far as 15 miles away from the original

source of contamination.

The center of our galaxy is a powerful source of energy.

Low-fat dairy products are an excellent source of dietary calcium.

Our chief source of fresh water is the rainfall that collects in lakes and rivers.

Because work is so central in our society, it is a major source of personal and social identity.

Mozambique is one of the world's finest sources of seashells.

For decades, the West Bank and Gaza Strip have been a source of conflict between the Israelis and the Palestinians.

Beer and wine were valued as important food sources in the Middle Ages in Europe.

Wind is now the world's fastest growing source of power.

Oil is the world's most important source of energy.

Common sources of indoor air pollution include tobacco smoke, biological organisms, building materials and furnishings, cleaning agents, copy machines, and pesticides.

All ingredients used in our restaurant are organic, and are sourced locally.

By sourcing fruits and vegetables from local farms, we can be sure that they are grown organically.

The basic source of all surface water on our planet is precipitation.

The chants of the Roman Church were the source and inspiration of a large proportion of Western music up to the 1700s.

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The word source sentence

English words and Examples of Usage

Example sentences with the source, a sentence example for source, and how to make source in sample sentence, how do I use the word sourcein a sentence?spell source in a sentence? spelling of sourcew