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use "solution" in a sentence

We haven't been able to find a solution to the problem yet.

We were able to find the solution to the puzzle by working together.

I couldn't solve a couple of problems on the math test, so I'm afraid I didn't do very well.

If you apply heat to a solution, chemicals will

dissolve in it more quickly.

Be careful with the solutions you make in the chemistry lab; they could be quite toxic.

Someone once remarked that most people are more comfortable with old problems than with new solutions.

Alan Saporta once said that the best way to escape from a

problem is to solve it.

Culture has been described as the way humans solve problems of adapting to the environment and living together.

Stanley Arnold once noted that every problem contains the seeds of its own solution.

Talkshow host Phil Donahue once remarked that suicide is

a permanent solution to a temporary problem.

There is a Croatian proverb which states that there are no solutions without discussions.

There is a Yiddish proverb which suggests that stupid solutions that succeed are still stupid solutions.

Experts recommend using vodka as a cleaning solution for diamond jewelry.

Humans, if they are very sensitive, can detect sweetness in a solution of 1 part sugar to 200 parts water.

Scientists say that pigs, unlike all other domestic animals, arrive at solutions by thinking them through.

The famous British detective Sherlock Holmes was always able to solve even the most difficult of cases.

No one has ever solved the mystery of the identity of Jack the Ripper.

The "Final Solution" of Adolf Hitler resulted in the deaths of over six million Jews in the Second World War.

An old English proverb notes that if you're not part of the solution, you're part of the problem.

Homer Simpson once suggested that beer is the cause and solution to all of life's problems.

Martin Luther King once observed that love is the key to the solution of the problems of the world.

soul - sort - sore - sophisticated - soothe - somewhat - 

The word solution sentence

English words and Examples of Usage

Example sentences with the solution, a sentence example for solution, and how to make solution in sample sentence, how do I use the word solutionin a sentence?spell solution in a sentence? spelling of solutionw