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use "secretary" in a sentence

Just ask the secretary if you need to have anything typed up.

The secretarial staff has increased by 3 people just in the last year, due to the steady increase in business.

I'll have my secretary send you a copy of the contracts.

She has been working as a secretary in

this office for over 5 years.

Talk to my secretary, and she'll set up an appointment for you.

Everything in the office came to a halt when the secretaries went on strike.

I think the secretary has already filed that. Why don't you check with him?

A secretary must

have good communication and organization skills, and should have experience with a variety of modern office machines.

I'll have the secretary type up the letter.

Her excellent secretarial skills guarantee she'll find a job quickly.

He served as Secretary-General of the United

Nations for over ten years.

We need someone with good secretarial skills to get this office organized.

Joe Moore once said that if you want to make certain a job gets done, give it to somebody who is really busy. They'll have their secretary do it.

Discussion question: Do you think one sex is better suited to secretarial work than the other?

Find someone who has spoken to a secretary in the past three months.

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The word secretary sentence

English words and Examples of Usage

Example sentences with the secretary, a sentence example for secretary, and how to make secretary in sample sentence, how do I use the word secretaryin a sentence?spell secretary in a sentence? spelling of secretaryw