The cat followed the scent of the mouse to its nest.
The scent of the flowers was very strong, and it made me sneeze.
The air was scented with jasmine.
The chest scents the blankets with the smell of cedar.
Certain scents are supposed to induce different
mental states.
The hunting dogs quickly picked up the scent of the cougar, and were able to track it to a tree in the city park.
The male moths find their mates in the dark following a scent trail.
My wife's scented body lotions bothered my allergies, so I asked her to stop
using them.
She chose most of the different plants in her garden for the lovely scents they give off.
She uses scented oils in her massage therapy practice because they help the clients to relax during and after the treatments.
There is a Chinese proverb which observes that the
scent of a rose will always stay on the hand of the giver.
A Swiss study found that a majority of women unconsciously choose mates with a body odor that differs from their own natural scent.
A dog's nose has over 200 scent-receiving cells.
We never really forget the scents of our childhood.
Leopards communicate by roaring, and by scent.
Someone once suggested that forgiveness is the scent that the rose leaves on the heel that crushes it.