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use "reveal" in a sentence

The curtains opened to reveal a darkened stage.

It was revealed during their divorce hearing that her husband had had numerous love affairs with other women.

Singer Mick Jagger's biography is a revealing look at the sex and drugs lifestyle of today's rock stars.


Disraeli once said that the greatest good you can do for another is not just share your riches, but to reveal to him his own.

Hippocrates once said that things that are holy are revealed only to men who are holy.

Pamela Anderson was wearing a very revealing low-cut mini-dress at the

awards ceremony.

Just before she died, my grandmother revealed to me that she had had a lifelong affair with her neighbor.

You can totally trust Jaimie; she will never reveal your secrets to anyone.

The teacher revealed to her that she had gotten the highest mark in the class

on the math test.

The Prime Minister was forced to resign after the revelation of widespread corruption in his party.

Islam is a revealed religion, transmitted directly by Allah to his messenger, the Prophet Muhammad.

Leonard Cohen sang that children show scars like medals, and lovers use them as secrets to reveal.

There is a Celtic proverb which observes that wine reveals the truth.

There is an Italian proverb which observes that to him that watches, everything is revealed.

The x-ray revealed a small tumor in her breast.

The religion of Islam teaches the word of God as revealed to the Prophet Mohammed.

The Dominican Republic's many old buildings reveal its colonial past.

Someone once joked that an X-ray reveals a lot about a man, but an ex-wife reveals much more.

Michelangelo's paintings on the ceiling of the Sistine Chapel in Rome were revealed to the general public for the first time in November of 1512.

Revelations of corruption in government have led to calls for a public inquiry.

David Suzuki notes that each new scientific discovery we make merely reveals the magnitude of our ignorance.

Discussion question: What do you think people's clothing tastes reveal about their character?

revive - revise - review - reverse - revenue - revenge - 

The word reveal sentence

English words and Examples of Usage

Example sentences with the reveal, a sentence example for reveal, and how to make reveal in sample sentence, how do I use the word revealin a sentence?spell reveal in a sentence? spelling of revealw