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use "retire" in a sentence

My parents are planning to travel across the U.S. in their motorhome next year after my dad retires.

He retired after 45 years with the same company.

My parents are really looking forward to their retirement, and have all kinds of plans.

People in this country are generally

expected to retire at the age of 65.

Malcolm Forbes once said that retirement kills more people than hard work ever did.

A lot of people from the northern states move to Florida after they retire because the weather there is so nice.

Wayne Gretzky's retirement from

hockey was probably the biggest story in sports that year.

Jazz artist Louis Armstrong once said that musicians don't retire; they stop when there's no more music in them.

A survey recently revealed that women retire later than men, have less money, and are more worried about


Your ability to retire in comfort may depend on how wisely you invest a portion of your income during your working years.

I'm pretty tired, so I think that I will retire for the evening.

Studies show that a large proportion of early retirees leave the work force for health reasons.

After 20 years in the military, he was able to retire on a half pension.

Greta Garbo retired from movies at the height of her career.

Judo master Yasuhiro Yamashita retired undefeated after 203 successive wins between 1977-85.

Mountain gorillas are shy, retiring animals which live in social groups of between 2 to 35 individuals.

Someone once joked that a good time to retire is before it's too late to have a good time.

Prince Bernhard, husband of Queen Juliana of the Netherlands, was once implicated in a business scandal, and had to retire from public life as a result.

Seventeen percent of the population of Miami, Florida are over 65 because so many people move there when they retire.

Actress Grace Kelly retired from films after marrying Prince Rainier of Monaco.

We are all dependent on the health of our economy to provide for our retirement needs.

Discussion question: Do you think that people should have to retire at age 65 in order to increase the number of jobs available to younger people?

Discussion question: What would you like to do after you retire?

Find someone who is retired.

reverse - revenue - revenge - reveal - retrieve - retreat - 

The word retire sentence

English words and Examples of Usage

Example sentences with the retire, a sentence example for retire, and how to make retire in sample sentence, how do I use the word retirein a sentence?spell retire in a sentence? spelling of retirew