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use "restriction" in a sentence

The city usually puts restrictions on water use in the summertime in order to prevent shortages.

Children can't see this movie; it's restricted.

The government is determined to restrict the number of imports in order to protect the domestic market.

A large fence

restricts access to the area.

Since his operation, he has been restricted to food without any spices.

Immigration laws in this country are becoming increasingly restrictive, due to pressure from the right wing parties.

The government is planning on introducing more

restrictive immigration laws to reduce the number of false refugee claims.

Giosue Borsi once said that the great thought, the great concern, the great anxiety of men is to restrict, as much as possible, the limits of their own responsibility.

Traffic in these lanes is restricted to

vehicles with 3 or more passengers.

Laws in that country severely restrict freedom of expression.

During the Classical period of ancient Greece, women ventured outside the house mainly for religious purposes or to attend festivals which were restricted to women.

The Taliban government in Afghanistan enforced codes of dress and behavior that were especially restrictive to women.

Industrial growth in Panama has been restricted by the country's lack of natural resources.

Unrestricted dumping of chemicals and sewage into the Baltic Sea has badly polluted Estonia's waters.

Up until about 50 years ago, women in Tunisia were restricted to the home.

President Chen of Taiwan recently suggested that holding a referendum on independence for the island nation was a basic human right that cannot be deprived or restricted.

Restrictions on tobacco advertising and sponsorship are key parts of a global treaty being organized by the World Health Organization to reduce smoking.

There is a restriction on the number of pets you can have in this apartment building.

By restricting the number of students we accept from any given country, we are able to guarantee a multicultural mix in our ESL classrooms.

Restricting access to pornography is seen by some as unacceptable censorship.

In the beginning of democracy in America, the right to vote was restricted to white male property owners.

Find someone who has seen a restricted movie.

retaliate - retain - retail - resume - result - restructure - 

The word restriction sentence

English words and Examples of Usage

Example sentences with the restriction, a sentence example for restriction, and how to make restriction in sample sentence, how do I use the word restrictionin a sentence?spell restriction in a sentence? spelling of restrictionw