The boxer knocked out his opponent with a single punch in the nose.
He got a black eye when some drunk guy punched him in a bar.
Do you have a hole punch so I can put my papers in my binder?
Mike gave Lawrence a friendly punch on the shoulder to let him know everything
was okay.
For those who don't like alcohol, we have a fruit punch to drink.
Felicita made a delicious punch with cherry juice and vodka for the party.
If you don't stop bothering my girlfriend, I'm going to punch you in the mouth!
There is a Tibetan proverb which
observes that one good punch on your enemy's nose gives more pleasure than hearing well-meaning advice from your elders.
Make sure you remember to punch the clock before you go home tonight.
He is an excellent boxer who is able to throw his punches quickly while avoiding the
punches of his opponents.
The machine is used to punch holes in belts.
The young boy felt dizzy and nauseous after receiving a punch to the head at school.
The boxer hit the punching bag so hard that it swung up, and hit the ceiling.
Discussion question: Did you ever get in a fight in elementary school. Did you ever punch anyone at school? Talk about your experience.
Find someone who has punched someone.