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use "public" in a sentence

City Hall has invited the public to view plans for the construction of a new arena and entertainment complex in the downtown core.

When criticizing a friend, it should be done privately, but when praising one, it can be done publicly.

Author Gore Vidal observed that today's public

figures can no longer write their own speeches or books, and there is some evidence that they can't read them either.

Syrus observed that you should not live one way in private, and another in public.

The government doesn't want to publicize the fact that the fast ferries project is deeply

in debt.

The new museum will be open to the public this coming Friday.

There is a Chinese proverb which observes that a wise man makes his own decisions, whereas an ignorant man follows public opinion.

There is a Kenyan proverb which states that affairs of the home should not be

discussed in the public square.

Samuel Butler once said that life is like playing a violin solo in public, and learning the instrument as one goes on.

Disney World in Florida was opened to the public in 1971.

The movie contracts signed by Fred Astaire and Ginger Rogers forbid the couple from dancing together in public.

After more than a century as a dessert for royalty alone, ice cream was made available to the general public for the first time in 1670 in Paris.

Bennetton's controversial advertising campaign has certainly succeeded in generating a lot of publicity for the company.

We need to do more publicity for our store because we haven't been able to attract many customers yet.

I heard that in New York City, there was a guy dressed up as Spiderman who was climbing up the Empire State Building as publicity for the movie.

In March of 1828, classical composer Franz Schubert gave the only public concert of his life, in Vienna.

Bananas were officially introduced to the American public at the 1876 Philadelphia Centennial Exhibition. Each banana was wrapped in foil and sold for 10 cents.

Perhaps the most unpublicized victim of the war is our environment.

Discussion question: Does the public have the right to know private details of a politician's life, such as a drinking problem, marital problems, etc.?

Find someone who has sung in public.

punctual - punch - pump - pulse - publish - publication - 

The word public sentence

English words and Examples of Usage

Example sentences with the public, a sentence example for public, and how to make public in sample sentence, how do I use the word publicin a sentence?spell public in a sentence? spelling of publicw