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use "protest" in a sentence

Several hundred people gathered to protest the government's decision to cut the education budget.

Police have arrested a number of anti-logging protesters who were blocking a road today.

Truck drivers staged a one-day strike to protest against rising fuel prices.

The students

staged a protest march in front of the Legislature in anger at rising tuition fees.

Boxer Ruben "Hurricane" Carter protested his innocence of the charge of murder for many years before finally being released from jail.

The British government sent the foreign Ambassador home in

protest against that country's arrest of a British citizen on charges of spying.

Worldwide protests against the French government are being organized in response to their announcement of the resumption of nuclear testing in the South Pacific.

Generally, it is those among the discontented

who can best afford the risks of collective action who tend to launch protest movements.

Jose Narosky once remarked that we protest against unjust criticism, but we accept unearned applause.

The Intifada was a revolt that began in December 1987 by Palestinian Arabs to protest Israel's occupation of the West Bank and Gaza Strip.

In 1994, musician Paul McCartney sent back his razor, shaving cream, and other products to the Gillette Co. to protest the manufacturer's use of animals in their product testing.

In 1989, hundreds of thousands of people in Lithuania, Latvia, and Estonia linked arms to form a human chain stretching almost 650 miles to protest the Soviet take-over of the Baltics in 1940.

In 1995, the President of France unleashed a storm of worldwide protest with the announcement that nuclear testing would be resumed in French Polynesia.

In 1969, student Jan Palach set fire to himself in Wenceslas Square in Prague in protest at the Russian invasion of Czechoslovakia.

Discussion question: Have you ever taken part in an organized protest against something? Talk about your experience.

Find someone who has taken part in a political protest.

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The word protest sentence

English words and Examples of Usage

Example sentences with the protest, a sentence example for protest, and how to make protest in sample sentence, how do I use the word protestin a sentence?spell protest in a sentence? spelling of protestw