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use "protein" in a sentence

The main source of protein in their diet is from fish and other seafood.

Peter Medawar once observed that the human mind treats a new idea the same way the body treats a strange protein; it rejects it.

People who are vegetarians must take care to get enough protein in their


Nuts and legumes are non-animal foods which are high in protein.

Fish is a major source of protein in the Japanese diet.

The ocean offers an almost unlimited source of protein in various forms, most of which are not yet present in the North American


Children suffering from a lack of protein in their diets develop huge swollen bellies.

The jellyfish is made up of 95-97% water, 3% protein, and 1% minerals.

Certain insects contain 30 percent more protein than beef.

About 14 percent of the world's protein

consumption comes from fish.

Studies show that the effects of exercise on athlete's protein needs are minimal.

One kilogram of soy flour contains approximately the same amount of protein as two and a half kilos of meat.

Segments of DNA molecules are patterns for the production of proteins.

Many species of insects are lower in fat, and higher in protein than beef, lamb, pork, or chicken.

Most adults in North America get all the protein they need in their diets.

If you eat animal products (milk, cheese, eggs, fish, meat), your diet will contain plenty of protein.

Most varieties of seaweed contain between 10 and 20 percent protein, and are rich in fiber and vitamins.

The diet of many people in the poorer areas of the world does not supply enough protein.

Inadequate protein can lead to various health risks in women.

Health experts suggest that the average person should make protein 15 to 20 percent of their diet.

A healthy meal should include high-quality proteins, such as fish, eggs or chicken.

Sir Peter Medawar once suggested that the human mind treats a new idea the way the body treats a strange protein; it rejects it.

Discussion question: Do you think that vegetarians get enough protein in their diets?

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The word protein sentence

English words and Examples of Usage

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