Make sure you wear the proper clothing when you go for your job interview.
If you don't follow the instructions, you can't expect the machine to work properly.
You need to wear proper clothing while skiing; otherwise, you'll be so cold you won't enjoy yourself.
They live in
Seattle proper, not in the suburbs.
Studies have shown that if schoolchildren don't eat a proper breakfast, they often find it difficult to concentrate in class.
It's hard for me to fix my bicycle because I don't have the proper tools.
My video camera isn't working
properly; the image is all dark.
There is a Navaho proverb which states that a man can't get rich if he takes proper care of his family.
Camels will refuse to carry loads that are not properly balanced.
A Chinese student told me that the proper way to eat chicken feet
is to put the entire foot in one's mouth, suck off the meat, and spit out the bones.
Someone told me that in India, it is perfectly proper for men to wear pajamas in public.
Your teeth will last a lifetime if you care for them properly.
Thomas Watson once said that wisdom is the power to put our time and our knowledge to the proper use.
Frederick Douglass once stated that truth is proper and beautiful in all times and in all places.
Public displays of affection are considered improper in Indonesia.
Alaska is so cold that oil transported by pipeline across the state has to be heated in order to flow properly.