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use "prone" in a sentence

Fishermen are prone to exaggerate the size of a fish that got away.

The students are prone to forget to hand in their homework if I don't remind them.

Studies show that if the roof of a person's mouth is narrow, the person will be more prone to snore at night.

Even after

years of performing on stage, Beatle John Lennon was still prone to serious bouts of nervousness before a show.

The boy's mother was a heavy smoker and the child is prone to asthma attacks as a result.

He is an excellent soccer player but is injury-prone and often has to miss


Foreign students are prone to periods of homesickness, which are a typical part of the cycle of culture shock.

The bank cashiers were ordered to lay prone on the floor while the thieves filled their bags with money.

The old man lay prone on the sidewalk where he had


The hockey player was still lying prone on the ice, apparently unconscious, when the ambulance arrived.

The children are prone to argue a lot if they don't get enough sleep.

The victim was found in a prone position with a gunshot wound to the head.

He comes from an earthquake-prone area so he knows what to do if there is ever one here.

Very little vegetation grows in drought-prone regions such as this.

Cutting down all the trees will leave the hillside prone to erosion.

We could see two or three prone forms on the road at the accident scene.

She is really accident-prone and always has bandages somewhere on her body.

Plutarch once suggested that the first evil those who are prone to talk suffer is that they hear nothing.

Discussion question: Do you believe the suggestion that men are prone to want to have their own way in a disagreement whereas women will compromise?

Find someone who is prone to sleep in late on weekends.

propose - proportion - property - proper - propaganda - proof - 

The word prone sentence

English words and Examples of Usage

Example sentences with the prone, a sentence example for prone, and how to make prone in sample sentence, how do I use the word pronein a sentence?spell prone in a sentence? spelling of pronew