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use "prominent" in a sentence

Tonight's concert for charity should be a huge success, with appearances by some of our most prominent local artists.

The new computers were prominently displayed in the store window.

Many of our most prominent citizens send their children to this private school.

The stained

glass windows play a prominent role in the design of the new Arts building.

England's most prominent national newspaper has thrown its support behind the Prime Minister.

The state of the environment is expected to figure prominently at the next meeting of the major industrial


Consumer advocate Ralph Nader rose to prominence after the release of his book "Unsafe At Any Speed."

Lao-Tzu once observed that the more laws and orders are made prominent, the more thieves and robbers there will be.

Many Westerners have difficulty understanding the

prominent use of erotic themes in Hindu religious art.

Hollywood actress Joan Crawford had her back teeth removed to make her cheekbones more prominent.

Terrorists have made recent attempts on the lives of a number of prominent politicians.

He has been a prominent critic of the deal since it was first brought forward.

A number of prominent businessmen in the city have declared their support for Mr. Lee as the best candidate for the position of mayor.

The most prominent landmark in Luxembourg is the high plateau of the Ardennes.

Research has shown that one of the prominent characteristics of successful language learners is the ability to make intelligent guesses.

The central blue stripe of Thailand's flag represents the King, and shows the prominent place that royalty holds in that country.

A Western lifestyle is more prominent in the cities of Guatemala.

In May of 1996, Liu Gang, one of the most prominent pro-democracy leaders to flee China, was given permission to stay in the U.S.

Ancient Peru was the site of several prominent civilizations, most notably that of the Incas.

Skulls and skeletons are prominent symbols of the Mexican holiday known as "The Day of the Dead."

propaganda - proof - prone - prompt - promote - promise - 

The word prominent sentence

English words and Examples of Usage

Example sentences with the prominent, a sentence example for prominent, and how to make prominent in sample sentence, how do I use the word prominentin a sentence?spell prominent in a sentence? spelling of prominentw