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use "profit" in a sentence

Our company's profits have increased by 20% over the last year.

Using the Internet to advertise our products has been a very profitable decision.

Josh Billings once remarked, "Take all the fools out of this world, and there wouldn't be any fun living in it, or


Someone once asked, "What does it profit a man if he gains the whole world, and loses his own soul?"

The union is claiming the company is making record profits this year, and that the money should be shared with the workers.

We are part of a purely non-profit

organization working towards reducing starvation in the developing world.

You profit from your volunteer work by gaining valuable experience for future employment, in addition to the simple enjoyment of helping others.

Sam Ewing once observed that we are all born into the world with nothing.

Everything we acquire after that is profit.

His job includes analyzing cost and profit data in order to give guidance in managerial decision making in the company.

Our global economy now functions primarily to produce profit for large corporations.

After Cortez brought chocolate back from Mexico to King Charles V's Royal court in 1528, chocolate production became a profitable industry for Spain, which planted cocoa trees in its overseas colonies.

Too many companies today value corporate profit over the decent treatment of their employees.

A Cambodian proverb notes that stealing may bring profit, but hanging costs far more.

A Chinese proverb notes that the biggest profits require the biggest risks.

In 1965, General Motors reported the biggest profit in the history of any American company, with earnings totalling over $1.7 billion.

prominent - proliferation - project - prohibit - progress - profound - 

The word profit sentence

English words and Examples of Usage

Example sentences with the profit, a sentence example for profit, and how to make profit in sample sentence, how do I use the word profitin a sentence?spell profit in a sentence? spelling of profitw