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use "primitive" in a sentence

Studies of so-called primitive tribes in South America have found they generally have a very sophisticated social system.

The primitive tribes of the area were quickly overpowered by the European armies.

The people of that region had only a primitive writing system, and passed on

their history orally.

All people have a primitive instinct to flee or fight in the face of danger.

Primitive man painted beautiful murals on the walls of some caves in Lascaux, France.

While working in the hospitals in the war-torn area, our conditions were very primitive, but

many lives were saved nonetheless.

Someone once suggested that the game of football brings out primitive instincts that go back thousands of years.

Primitive creatures living on our planet have been able to adapt and live in radical habitats including glaciers, ocean hot springs, and

volcanic craters.

Primitive accounting methods may have led to the development of writing, mathematics and related fields.

Judith Viorst once said, "Superstition is foolish, childish, primitive and irrational - but how much does it cost you to knock on wood?".

John W. Gardner once said that twenty years from now we will look back at education as it is practiced in most schools today, and wonder that we could have tolerated anything so primitive.

The predominance of animal representations in the cave art of primitive man is a reflection of the importance of hunting to their culture.

Anthropologists believe stones were one of man's first calculating devices, aiding in addition and subtraction throughout primitive times.

Many impoverished families in Mozambique live in primitive huts, and own few possessions.

Previously considered by some observers to be a primitive practice, the voodoo religion is actually highly structured, with a complicated set of rules.

The dark, primitive huts that were once common for rural laborers in Bolivia are fast becoming a thing of the past.

Primitive people believed that a sneeze signified approaching death.

Despite its high economic growth rate, Laos remains a country with a primitive infrastructure; it has no railroads, a simple road system, and limited external and internal telecommunications.

The primitive earth on which life originated was a very different environment from what is found on our planet today.

The scientific knowledge base is so primitive that it is impossible for scientists to determine the current rate of global warming.

In geological terms, Mercury and our moon are considered to be primitive bodies, so their surfaces have not yet experienced changes from atmospheric processes.

Evidence suggests that some primitive birds lived at the same time as their dinosaur cousins.

It is believed that the primitive peoples who built Stonehenge used it to observe the sun and moon.

Discussion question: Certain cultures have been described as primitive. What exactly does this mean? Is it a legitimate description?

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The word primitive sentence

English words and Examples of Usage

Example sentences with the primitive, a sentence example for primitive, and how to make primitive in sample sentence, how do I use the word primitivein a sentence?spell primitive in a sentence? spelling of primitivew