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use "precede" in a sentence

The government made all kinds of impossible promises in the days preceding the election.

The administration doesn't want to give the teacher a leave of absence because it could set a precedent that they may not want to follow in the future.

His family life takes precedence in all

his plans for the future.

The preceding political advertisement was paid for by the Liberal Party.

Wilfred Peterson once observed that big thinking precedes great achievement.

The earthquake was preceded by a loud boom.

The President's limousine was preceded by

an escort of policemen on motorcycles.

Joan is a much better worker than the fellow who preceded her in this job.

In English grammar, the subject generally precedes the verb.

There is an Irish proverb which observes that a drink precedes a story.

There is a French

proverb which observes that man is preceded by forest, and followed by desert.

The beautiful temples of the Romans were derived from both Etruscan and Greek precedents.

Thomas Paine once observed that he that would make his own liberty secure must guard even his enemy from oppression, for if he violates this duty, he establishes a precedent that will reach to himself.

People dream an average of five times a night, and each subsequent dream is longer than the one preceding it.

The palace at Versailles was unprecedented in scale and grandeur.

In 1983, graffiti artists caused an unprecedented $1 million worth of damage to tobacco billboards in and around Sydney, Australia.

Between 1257 and 1260, an unprecedented series of natural disasters, earthquakes, epidemics, famines, and typhoons ripped through central Japan.

A sore throat often precedes a cold.

Scientists say that we are wiping out species at an unprecedented rate.

In 1919, Charlie Chaplin signed a movie contract giving him an unprecedented $10,000 a week.

Unprecedented in Asia, Korea has qualified for the World Cup of soccer an impressive six times.

predominate - predict - predator - precise - precipitation - precious - 

The word precede sentence

English words and Examples of Usage

Example sentences with the precede, a sentence example for precede, and how to make precede in sample sentence, how do I use the word precedein a sentence?spell precede in a sentence? spelling of precedew