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use "praise" in a sentence

Children need constant praise in order develop their self-esteem.

Working as a paramedic is a very praiseworthy profession.

Someone once said that the test of any man's character is how he takes praise.

A wise man once observed that some people get angry because God put

thorns on roses, while others praise him for putting roses among thorns.

The Prime Minister praised the efforts of his Finance Minister in bringing in a fair budget.

His teachers are full of praise for his work at school this past year and feel he has a good chance of winning a


Critics have universally praised the film for its incredible computer animation.

Mary Kay Ash once suggested that it is always best to sandwich every bit of criticism between two layers of praise.

G. C. Lichtenberg once said that a man is never more serious than when he

praises himself.

Actor Eli Wallach once said that having the critics praise you is like having the hangman say you've got a pretty neck.

There is a Chinese proverb which states that some people want to be praised for the rest of their lives for what they have done well for one day.

There is an Irish proverb which says, "Praise the young, and they will blossom.

In Indonesia, it is considered proper to respond to praise with a smile and a nod, but no more.

Someone once joked that if you don't grow your own vegetables, it helps to praise the crop in your neighbor's garden.

In 1999, former Beatle Paul McCartney's exhibition of paintings, which were on display in a small German town, were highly praised in the British press.

A German proverb notes that one only has to die to be praised.

Find someone who has been praised by a teacher.

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The word praise sentence

English words and Examples of Usage

Example sentences with the praise, a sentence example for praise, and how to make praise in sample sentence, how do I use the word praisein a sentence?spell praise in a sentence? spelling of praisew