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use "practice" in a sentence

Your coach phoned to say there will be a team practice in the gym tomorrow after school.

Kwok-Leung practiced his presentation for hours in order to get it perfect.

My cousin just opened a dental practice here in town.

Health practitioners are calling on the government

to increase funding for health care in our state.

Susan has been a practising lawyer for about ten years now.

This book has some practice tests for the TOEFL which you might find useful.

Only practice jerseys are to be worn during tomorrow's scrimmage.

The girls worked

very hard in today's practice, and really seem to be improving.

She is a practicing Buddhist, and never touches meat of any kind.

A convention of medical practitioners was held to discuss new developments in the treatment of HIV.

The practice of using child labor is all

too common in many parts of the world.

She has been practicing for her piano recital all afternoon.

Acupuncture has been practiced in China for thousands of years.

She is a practicing Muslim, and prays five times a day.

My father practiced medicine in Vietnam, but here in this country they don't recognize his qualifications.

She is a practiced lawyer, and is considered the best in her field.

The best way to practice for your speaking test is to talk with a native speaker.

Thomas Kempis has remarked that all men commend patience, although few be willing to practice it.

Golfer Ben Hogan once stated that every day you miss playing or practicing is one day longer it takes to be good.

William Hazlitt once noted that great thoughts reduced to practice become great acts.

Ray Bradbury once observed, "If you want to be good, you have to practice, practice, practice."

Violinist Jascha Heifetz once said, "If I don't practice one day, I know it; two days, the critics know it; three days, the public knows it."

Belva Lockwood once suggested that if nations could only depend upon fair and impartial judgments in a world court of law, they would abandon the senseless, savage practice of war.

Thomas Szasz once observed that knowledge is gained by learning; trust by doubt; skill by practice; love by love.

Harold Geneen once stated that leadership is practiced not so much in words as in attitude and in actions.

A traditional proverb tells us, "Practice makes perfect."

A traditional proverb reminds us, "Practice what you preach."

Mary Tyler Moore once noted that you have to fail in order to practice being brave.

Otto von Bismarck once remarked that when a man says that he approves of something in principle, it means he hasn't the slightest intention of putting it into practice.

A German proverb reminds us that if you fail to practisce your art, it will soon disappear.

An Iranian proverb notes that the wise man who does not put his knowledge into practice is like a bee that gives no honey.

In 1879, Belva Ann Lockwood became the first American woman to practice law before the U.S. Supreme Court.

British law was finally amended in 1547 to end the practice of boiling people to death as punishment for criminal behavior.

Golf was banned in England and Scotland in 1457 by King James II because he claimed it distracted people from the archery practice necessary for national defense.

Voodoo practitioners believe in a supreme God and spirits who link the human with the divine.

Practitioners of Buddhism are said to combine total seriousness of purpose with a real sense of fun and enjoyment.

His wife works as a massage practitioner in a medical office downtown.

Discussion question: Talk about a sport, martial art, or musical art you practiced as a child.

Find someone who has practiced a martial art.

Find someone who has visited an alternative medicine practitioner.

precious - precede - precaution - preach - pray - praise - 

The word practice sentence

English words and Examples of Usage

Example sentences with the practice, a sentence example for practice, and how to make practice in sample sentence, how do I use the word practicein a sentence?spell practice in a sentence? spelling of practicew