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use "poison" in a sentence

Make sure that all household poisons are out of the reach of small children.

We put out some rat poison to get rid of mice, but our cat ate it, and died.

Mercury is a dangerous poison which caused terrible birth defects in a generation of people living in Minamata, Japan.


poison of a sea anemone paralyzes its prey.

Some historians believe that Napoleon Bonaparte was slowly poisoned during his exile, and died as a result.

The rich socialite was imprisoned for poisoning her husband to get his fortune.

A young girl at the party was taken to

hospital for treatment of alcohol poisoning after drinking a full bottle of tequila.

Anne and I got food poisoning once after eating raw mushrooms in a salad.

The King's servant was ordered to taste all his food and drink to make sure that it wasn't poisoned.

Our lakes and

rivers are being poisoned by industrial waste.

The air around our cities is being increasingly poisoned by the fumes from automobiles.

The atmosphere in our office has been poisoned by the undeserved firing of one of our best employees.

The Black Widow spider is a poisonous insect which can be found in basements and gardens in this area.

Australia is home to the greatest variety of poisonous snakes in the world.

The poisonous relationship between the divorced couple has affected everyone around them.

There is a Bosnian proverb which asks, "Why would you use poison if you can kill with honey?"

Ralph Waldo Emerson once remarked that the surest poison is time.

There is an Arab proverb which holds that good qualities never cancel out the bad, just as sugar is no antidote for poison.

When Winston Churchill was told by a woman that if he was her husband she would poison his tea, he answered saying that if she were his wife, he would drink it.

William Inge once remarked that civilization is being poisoned by its own waste products.

There is a kind of frog in South America which has enough poison in it to kill about 2,200 people.

A king cobra is the biggest of all poisonous snakes, and can grow to over 12 feet long. A bite from a king cobra can kill an elephant in 4 hours.

As little as two ounces of milk chocolate can be poisonous for a 10-pound puppy.

On December 3, 1984, poison gas accidentally released from a Union Carbide plant killed more than 2,000 people in Bhopal, India, in the world's worst industrial accident.

Cleopatra tested her poisons by giving them to slaves.

John VIII, who died in 882, was the first Pope to be murdered; he was poisoned, and then clubbed to death.

The first person known to have died of radiation poisoning was scientist Marie Curie.

Poison gas was used as a weapon for the first time during World War One in 1915.

About 80% of poisonings occur in children between the ages of 1 and 4.

Never store poisonous products in food containers.

Someone once stated that when the last tree is cut, the last river poisoned, and the last fish dead, we will discover that we can't eat money.

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The word poison sentence

English words and Examples of Usage

Example sentences with the poison, a sentence example for poison, and how to make poison in sample sentence, how do I use the word poisonin a sentence?spell poison in a sentence? spelling of poisonw