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use "phenomena" in a sentence

The Northern Lights are a fascinating phenomenon which attract viewers from around the world.

There has been a phenomenal increase in the number of homes with personal computers in the last few years.

Einstein once asked: "How on earth are you ever going to explain in terms of chemistry

and physics so important a biological phenomenon as first love?"

Singer Bette Midler once asked, "If sex is such a natural phenomenon, how come there are so many books on how to do it?"

Science does not yet have all the answers to explain the phenomenon of black holes in


Apparently, there is a new fashion phenomenon in the U.S. - designer bullet-proof clothing.

Computer hacking, once a relatively rare phenomenon restricted to a limited number of computer experts, is becoming increasingly mainstream.

Because culture is shared, it is considered

to be a social phenomenon.

Over 750,000 people in Quebec now go to indoor tanning salons, a phenomenon which has resulted in a 205 percent increase in skin cancer in that province.

The high price of housing in large cities has produced the phenomenon of homelessness.

The rainbow is a phenomenon that can occur only when the sun is 40Ğ or less above the horizon, as in the morning or the late afternoon.

Halley's comet is named after Edmond G. Halley, who was the first to suggest that comets were natural phenomena of our solar system, in orbit around the sun.

It was physicist John Wheeler who discovered the black holes of outer space, and he named the phenomenon in 1967.

Marketing researchers have found what they call the 4-2-1 phenomenon in China, wherein four grandparents, and two parents save all their money to spend on the one child which families in that country are allowed to have.

Mirages are a common desert phenomenon.

Phenomena such as earthquakes and hurricanes show us just how much power nature has.

Estimates of the number of child laborers are difficult to obtain because governments are not keen to measure a phenomenon which is not supposed to exist.

The water cycle on earth manifests itself through many processes and phenomena, such as clouds and precipitation.

Mankind's consumption of the Earth's natural resources is proceeding at a phenomenal and alarming rate.

Discussion question: Do you believe in supernatural phenomena, such as ESP or telekinesis?

Find someone who believes in supernatural phenomena such as ESP.

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The word phenomena sentence

English words and Examples of Usage

Example sentences with the phenomena, a sentence example for phenomena, and how to make phenomena in sample sentence, how do I use the word phenomenain a sentence?spell phenomena in a sentence? spelling of phenomenaw