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use "perspective" in a sentence

Living in a foreign culture helps you to gain a different perspective on life.

Sergio has an interesting perspective on the Mexican election because his uncle is a member of the Opposition party.

Children's drawings don't generally show much sense of perspective.

The building

in the painting is out of perspective; it appears much too small.

The early death of his business partner due to overwork has given him a new perspective on life.

It is always interesting to read about one's own country and its culture from the perspective of recent


His newspaper column offers the left wing perspective on today's political and social issues.

As you get older, and gain more experience, you may develop a different perspective on life.

Martin Luther King, Jr. once said that our loyalties must transcend our race, our

tribe, our class, and our nation, and this means we must develop a world perspective.

From the perspective of those involved in the export business in Canada, the low value of the Canadian dollar is not always considered as something bad.

Paintings of the Middle Ages didn't really show much perspective; everything looked flat.

Youth activist Craig Kielburger once observed that the perspective of children is desperately needed if we are to create a better and safer world for children, for youth, for everybody.

Case studies are used by researchers in psychology to gain a historical perspective, which often helps in forming hypotheses about the causes of a psychological disturbance.

Different cultures have very different perspectives on death. For some it is the end; for others it is a new beginning.

An effective way to integrate concepts is to attempt to examine them from a variety of perspectives.

petition - pesticide - pest - pessimistic - pertinent - persuade - 

The word perspective sentence

English words and Examples of Usage

Example sentences with the perspective, a sentence example for perspective, and how to make perspective in sample sentence, how do I use the word perspectivein a sentence?spell perspective in a sentence? spelling of perspectivew