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use "penalty" in a sentence

If you don't wear a helmet when you ride your bicycle, the current penalty is about equal to the cost of buying a new helmet.

The hockey player got a two minute penalty for interfering with the goalie.

In a language class, it is hard not to penalize shy students because you don't

hear them enough to properly evaluate their speaking skill.

If you do not pay off your car within a year, you will have to pay an additional penalty of 5%.

The penalty for drug dealing in some countries is death.

He received the maximum penalty for assaulting and robbing the

elderly couple.

The penalties for plagiarism at the university are very severe.

By 2004, the number of countries that had abolished the death penalty for all crimes finally outnumbered those that still practice it.

Financial penalties are used in place of imprisonment for a

variety of crimes in this country.

The last words of one convicted killer in Texas just before he was executed were "Remember, the death penalty is murder."

In ancient Athens, the olive tree was considered sacred, and the death penalty was imposed on anyone caught cutting one down.

In seventeenth-century Japan, no citizen was allowed to leave the country on penalty of death, and anyone caught coming or going without permission was executed on the spot.

The penalty for killing a cow in Nepal can be up to 20 years in jail.

Wheeler Robinson once said that the penalty of leadership is loneliness.

Discussion question: What do you think should be the penalty for drunken driving?

Find someone who thinks murderers should receive the death penalty.

perch - percent - perceive - pension - penetrate - pending - 

The word penalty sentence

English words and Examples of Usage

Example sentences with the penalty, a sentence example for penalty, and how to make penalty in sample sentence, how do I use the word penaltyin a sentence?spell penalty in a sentence? spelling of penaltyw