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use "pattern" in a sentence

She was wearing a beautiful white dress with a lovely pattern of red roses on it.

Police are studying the five murders to see if there is a pattern which would suggest they were all committed by the same person.

The pattern on the wallpaper in the kids' room is of a tropical jungle

with exotic plants, birds and animals.

She decided to change the pattern for the dress a little because it was longer than she wanted.

There is a lovely pattern of flowers around the border of the plates and bowls.

Patterns of behavior among very young children seem to be much

the same across cultures.

The carpet has a very interesting geometric pattern woven into it.

Social interactions are typically patterned and ordered depending on one's culture.

Pitirim Sorokin discovered a pattern of apparently trendless fluctuation in the amount of inequality

in societies throughout history.

Culture has been described as patterned and interrelated ideas, symbols, or behaviors.

The foundation of the activity of a living cell is a set of patterns that describe how it is to function.

Dancer Margot Fonteyn once said "Life forms illogical patterns. It is haphazard, and full of beauties which I try to catch as they fly by, for who knows whether any of them will ever return?"

I read somewhere that no two lions have the same pattern of whiskers; they are like our fingerprints.

Scientists are now mapping patterns of tiny differences in DNA which distinguish one human from another.

In ancient China, towns were often arranged in patterns so that if seen from the air, the whole community would resemble an animal or a symbolic design.

No one has ever discovered two snowflakes with exactly the same crystal pattern.

Tokyo's expressways are built on a radial pattern dating from the eighteenth century.

Giraffes are well known for their long necks, long legs, and spotted patterns.

Ho Chi Minh patterned the Vietnamese Declaration of Independence after that of the United States.

The distinctive pattern on the hides of zebras allows them to blend in with their surroundings.

The Nazca lines in the Peruvian desert form patterns which are only really visible from the air.

Employment patterns are changing, as more workers move to urban areas, and seek jobs in nonagricultural sectors of the economy.

A migrating gray whale has a predictable breathing pattern, generally blowing 3-5 times in 15-30 second intervals before submerging for 3-5 minutes.

Doctors now know that distinct patterns of speech difficulties are caused by damage to isolated areas on the left side of the brain.

Paul Nation suggests that second language learners' attention should be deliberately drawn to the patterning of sounds in the second language.

The last ice age had a profound effect upon the settlement patterns of man.

The passage of water from our oceans up into the atmosphere is expressed in the flow pattern of the clouds.

The prevailing wind patterns on earth are a result of the planet's rotation.

Find someone who knows how to follow a pattern to sew something.

peel - peek - peculiar - peak - pave - pause - 

The word pattern sentence

English words and Examples of Usage

Example sentences with the pattern, a sentence example for pattern, and how to make pattern in sample sentence, how do I use the word patternin a sentence?spell pattern in a sentence? spelling of patternw