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use "passenger" in a sentence

A number of passengers on the ferry threw up when the boat met with high waves.

Attention all passengers on flight 404; please proceed to gate number five immediately in preparation for boarding.

An unwanted passenger was found on the space flight; a mouse was hiding in one of the

cargo holds.

The passengers on the flight to Venus cheered and clapped as the planet's main landing station came into view.

A plane from Switzerland crashed into the sea near Nova Scotia, killing all passengers on board.

Police are interviewing the passengers of the car that

hit a school bus, killing the drivers of both vehicles, in order to find out if alcohol was involved.

The passenger seats in the car were full of Christmas parcels.

Marshall McLuhan once said that there are no passengers on spaceship Earth. We are all crew.

The first hot air balloon

to carry passengers was invented by the Montgolfier brothers in France in 1783.

London's Heathrow Airport is the busiest international airport in the world, typically handling over 44 million international passengers a year.

Laptop computers and briefcases falling from the overhead bins onto passengers' heads may be the most common accident aboard an airplane.

The first commercial passenger airplane began flying in 1914.

The Netherlands has made use of its extensive network of canals throughout the country to transport goods and passengers for hundreds of years.

In February of 1966, a jet aircraft crashed in Tokyo Bay, killing 133 passengers and crew.

Find someone who has been a passenger on a plane in the past six months.

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The word passenger sentence

English words and Examples of Usage

Example sentences with the passenger, a sentence example for passenger, and how to make passenger in sample sentence, how do I use the word passengerin a sentence?spell passenger in a sentence? spelling of passengerw