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use "pace" in a sentence

It is amazing to see the pace of runners in an Olympic marathon. I couldn't run that fast for even 1 mile.

I started out too fast in the race, and couldn't keep up the pace.

You need to pace yourself during the race; otherwise, if you start out too fast, you'll end up being too

tired at the end.

Many people in the former communist countries are said to be dissatisfied with the pace of economic reforms that were supposed to take place.

The nervous father was pacing about the room waiting for the doctor to give him the news about his new baby.

The movie is a

fast-paced, exciting action film.

He does things at a fairly slow pace, but they are nonetheless very well done.

The pace of economic growth in Korea was quite rapid in the late 1980s.

There is a Burmese proverb which states that if you take big paces, you leave big


Ralph Waldo Emerson once said, "Adopt the pace of nature; her secret is patience."

Travelling at a rate of 1 to 3 miles per hour, camels can carry 450 to 880 pounds, and are able to keep up this pace for 6 or 7 hours a day.

Teachers are responsible for helping a student set the pace of learning.

Reggae star Bob Marley sang that when the race gets hard to run, it means you just can't take the pace.

Life in Nepal moves at a much slower pace than in the West.

The pace of life in the rural west of Ireland is said to be much slower than in the cities.

In November 1987, Boris Yeltsin was removed as Moscow Communist Party chief after criticizing the slow pace of Soviet reform.

The pace of privatization of state-owned facilities has increased in Lesotho in recent years.

If we don't get at least a 2% raise, our salaries won't even keep pace with inflation.

When giving a presentation, don't pace back and forth - it distracts your audience.

panel - pale - pad - pact - package - pack - 

The word pace sentence

English words and Examples of Usage

Example sentences with the pace, a sentence example for pace, and how to make pace in sample sentence, how do I use the word pacein a sentence?spell pace in a sentence? spelling of pacew