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use "overtake" in a sentence

A new report suggests that India's population will overtake that of China before 2030.

The military leader invoked religious principles to justify his overtaking the government.

The Jamaican runner overtook his American rival in the last 100 yards of the race.

The German

racer overtook the British car on the last lap to win the race.

The electric eel's shocking power is so strong that it can overtake its victims from up to 15 feet away.

The Pittsburgh Penguins have overtaken the Boston Bruins for top spot in the division with this latest


The storm overtook them as they neared the mountains.

The robbers were able to overtake the train on their horses and board it on the run.

Before overtaking another vehicle you should make sure the road is sufficiently clear ahead.

Never get too close to the

vehicle you intend to overtake, as it may suddenly slow down.

Always give motorcyclists, cyclists and horse riders at least as much room as you would a car when overtaking.

Music downloads on the Internet were recently overtaken by the swapping of movies and other non-audio files.

A recent study suggested that by 2040 the Chinese economy will overtake that of the U.S.

The economy of India is expected to overtake that of Japan by 2035, making it the world's third largest economy after the U.S. and China, according to a new report.

A Chinese proverb notes that the swiftest horse cannot overtake the word once spoken.

A Malagasy proverb observes that idleness moves so slowly that it will be overtaken by misery.

A student who works hard and takes every chance to use English often overtakes someone who has been here longer, but hangs out with his own language group.

Og Mandino once said, "Failure will never overtake me if my determination to succeed is strong enough."

pace - ozone - owe - overwhelm - overturn - overthrow - 

The word overtake sentence

English words and Examples of Usage

Example sentences with the overtake, a sentence example for overtake, and how to make overtake in sample sentence, how do I use the word overtakein a sentence?spell overtake in a sentence? spelling of overtakew