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use "output" in a sentence

The addition of three new machines has increased our output by over 50%.

By using computers to help make their manufacturing process more efficient, the company was able to increase its annual output by more than 20%.

Electrical output is sometimes inadequate during a cold winter

due to the increase in demand.

The Beatles' output of albums during their career together was quite impressive.

The OPEC countries have recently decreased their oil output, which has resulted in an increase in the price of gas.

The construction of the James Bay Hydro-Electric project

in Northern Quebec dramatically increased that province's output of electricity.

You generally put on weight when your intake of food exceeds your output of energy.

If the sun's energy output were decreased by 10%, the entire earth would be covered in ice over a kilometer


We rely on the sun's output remaining steady for our climate to support life on Earth.

Because our sun is so active, it is not surprising that its total energy output varies.

The daily output of our factory has almost doubled since we installed the new machinery.

Industrial output in many factories can be increased by the intelligent use of robots.

During the Soviet period, as much as 40% of Georgia's entire agricultural output was provided by produce grown in private gardens.

About 8% of the output of the entire American chicken industry is exported to Russia, where people prefer the dark meat of the thighs, while the Americans themselves like the white breasts.

At one point, the output of the coal mines of Wales reached almost 40 million tons per year, enough to supply one third of the world's needs.

The manufacturing output of the tiny nation of Andorra consists mainly of cigarettes, cigars, and furniture.

The wealth of the United Arab Emirates is based on oil and gas output, which make up about 33% of GDP.

Andrew Grove once suggested that stressing output is the key to improving productivity, while looking to increase activity can result in just the opposite.

This hole is the output for your headphones, and the other hole is the input for the microphone.

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The word output sentence

English words and Examples of Usage

Example sentences with the output, a sentence example for output, and how to make output in sample sentence, how do I use the word outputin a sentence?spell output in a sentence? spelling of outputw