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use "option" in a sentence

You should look at all your different options before you make a decision.

You must take a least one elective course, but the type of course you choose is entirely optional.

The final section in the homework is optional; I will mark it, but it doesn't count for anything.


association believes that people should be given the option to choose the kind of medical care that they want.

Doing only the homework you want is not an option; either you complete all the assignments in the required time or you fail.

If you can simply learn to think well, you will have

plenty of career and education options to choose from.

Studies show that the early detection of cancer increases survival and treatment options.

Air conditioning and power windows are optional for this car.

After the lease expires on your car, you have the option of

buying it if you want.

When McDonald's added bacon as an option for its new hamburger, the estimated first-year use of bacon for the sandwich was 18 million pounds.

Kathleen Casey once suggested that pain is inevitable, but suffering is optional.

Karen Clark once observed, "Life is change. Growth is optional. Choose wisely."

William Fulbright once remarked that we must learn to explore all the options and possibilities that confront us in a complex and rapidly changing world.

Max Lucado once observed that conflict is inevitable, but combat is optional.

Robert Half once remarked that it's easy to make good decisions when there are no bad options.

There is a Yiddish proverb which observes that not making a choice is an option.

Judy became pregnant by accident, and had to consider her options to either keep the baby or have an abortion.

Visitors to South Africa have a number of options ranging from magnificent beaches to some of the world's most famous game parks and nature reserves.

For the poor of Paraguay, recreational activities are not an option; they must work all the time in order to survive.

In 1985, General Motors announced that, as an option, it was installing electronic road maps on some of its high-priced cars.

You have a number of payment options, including credit cards, Interac, personal checks or cash in all major currencies.

At the end of the term, I will have two options; travelling around Australia or going back to France.

I had no option but to break up with him because he cheated on me.

We have two options, but we haven't decided yet.

I have three options to go to Nashville; by car, by bus or by plane.

In my life, I have so many options compared to my mom when she was my age.

Find someone who is considering different options to follow after this course.

Discussion question: What options do you have to choose from after you finish this course?

organize - organic - ordinary - order - orbit - oral - 

The word option sentence

English words and Examples of Usage

Example sentences with the option, a sentence example for option, and how to make option in sample sentence, how do I use the word optionin a sentence?spell option in a sentence? spelling of optionw