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use "offspring" in a sentence

The rhinoceros fought hard to protect its offspring from a pack of hyenas.

A female dog generally has around 4 offspring per litter.

The offspring of a zebra must learn to run within minutes of birth in order to survive.

The offspring of the first rabbits introduced to

the university campus now number in the hundreds.

They are monsters; offspring of the devil, children of hatred and loathing, spawn of death and destruction.

The offspring of the first extra-terrestrials to come to our planet now hold important positions in governments the world


Immigrants face the dual challenges of teaching something of their culture of origin to their children while they and their offspring learn to fit into the new society.

The rats were totally overcrowded in the cages, and mothers began to eat their offspring.

DNA is the genetic

information that passes from parent to offspring.

Scientist Carl Sagan once remarked that one of the greatest gifts adults can give to their offspring and to their society is to read to children.

There is a Danish proverb which states that it is unworthy offspring that brag the most about their worthy descendants.

Because of the giant panda's large size, and the small size of their offspring, it is difficult to tell when a panda is pregnant.

Artist Joseph Albers described a mixed color as the offspring of two original colors.

Poseidon caused King Minos' wife to fall in love with a bull, and the offspring of their unnatural union was the Minotaur, a monster which was half man and half bull.

Female elephants live in family units of about two to four related females and their offspring.

If they all lived, two ordinary house flies could produce 5,000,000,000,000 offspring in one season.

Women in Eritrea bear on average six children, but generally not all of their offspring survive into adulthood.

Recent studies show that some wild orangutan parents teach their offspring to use leaves as napkins.

Individuals live, grow old and die, but their kind is perpetuated in their offspring.

Find someone who has had a pet which produced offspring.

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The word offspring sentence

English words and Examples of Usage

Example sentences with the offspring, a sentence example for offspring, and how to make offspring in sample sentence, how do I use the word offspringin a sentence?spell offspring in a sentence? spelling of offspringw