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use "official" in a sentence

Government officials expect the governor to make an announcement this afternoon.

The official residence of the British Prime Minister is No. 10 Downing Street.

The official reason given for the hospitalization of the President is exhaustion, but there is widespread speculation that

he actually had a heart attack.

The Queen is on an unofficial visit to the city, visiting friends.

The official government figures place the number of dead at 100, but other observers fear the total is closer to 300.

In the country of Bhutan, all citizens officially become a

year older on New Year's Day.

The Republic of South Africa has two official national anthems.

The capital city of Turkey was formerly known as Constantinople, and the name Istanbul was not officially adopted until 1930.

In the culture of the ancient Incas of Peru, a couple was

considered officially married when they took off their sandals, and handed them to each other.

The Japanese sport of sumo wrestling has 70 official winning moves.

The official at the British Embassy was very helpful when we tried to contact our son, who was travelling in England at the time.

The United Nations has six official languages: English, French, Arabic, Chinese, Russian, and Spanish.

Buckingham Palace became the official London residence of Britain's sovereigns in 1837.

"The Star-Spangled Banner" didn't become the official national anthem of the United States until 117 years after it was written.

Badminton was not recognized as an official sport in the Olympics until 1992.

There are 14 languages that are officially recognized for conducting national affairs in India.

In the Netherlands, marijuana is not officially legal, but people are able to buy it in registered "coffee shops."

Women were officially banned from performing Japanese kabuki theater in 1629.

East and West Berlin were officially rejoined in 1990.

Lt. Richard van de Geer was officially the last American soldier to die in the Vietnam War, on May 15, 1975.

The man looked lovingly at his new bride, and remarked, "We have now been officially married for one day."

Our wedding took place in our living room, and was officiated by a justice of the peace.

The official disallowed the goal because the player touched the ball with his hand.

The players felt that they had lost the game simply due to poor officiating.

New employees must complete a three-month trial period before being officially hired for a permanent position.

The islands of the Maldives are officially the flattest country in the worldHe is an administrator, but his official title is Co-ordinator of Programming Initiatives.

Many spectators became angry at the call by the official, and began to throw beer bottles and garbage on the field.

In February of 1974, at the end of an Islamic conference, the government of Pakistan officially recognized Bangladesh as an independent nation.

Because Yemen's border with Saudi Arabia is uncertain, officials can only estimate the country's actual size.

A measles epidemic introduced to Fiji by their chiefs upon return from an official trip to Australia reduced the Fijian population by 50% in one century.

In August of 1806, the German Emperor officially dissolved the Holy Roman Empire.

Officials believe the plane crash was due to a build-up of ice on the wings.

For many decades, corrupt government officials stole public funds in Haiti.

We all celebrated when our friend Kwok Leung officially became a citizen of Australia.

The island of Malta is currently an official candidate for membership in the European Union.

In 1976, the Lockheed Aircraft Corporation admitted it had bribed senior government officials in the Netherlands, Japan, Sweden and Italy.

Health officials are analyzing water samples to find out exactly what it is that has made over 20 people in the town sick in the last 2 weeks.

Her father is a very important official in the government of her country.

Please remember that while travelling abroad, you are acting as an unofficial ambassador of your country.

Claud Cockburn once said, "Never believe anything until it has been officially denied."

Barbara Ehrenreich once remarked, "We who officially value freedom of speech above life itself seem to have nothing to talk about but the weather."

Ron Nesen once suggested that nobody believes the official spokesman, but everybody trusts an unidentified source.

George Jean Nathan once noted that bad officials are elected by good citizens who do not vote.

When asked by a customs official if he had anything to declare, British author Oscar Wilde replied, "Nothing, except my genius."

Aldous Huxley once stated that official dignity tends to increase in inverse ratio to the importance of the country in which the office is held.

A Russian proverb states that if you talk to an official, you must talk rubles.

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The word official sentence

English words and Examples of Usage

Example sentences with the official, a sentence example for official, and how to make official in sample sentence, how do I use the word officialin a sentence?spell official in a sentence? spelling of officialw