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use "offence" in a sentence

Shoplifting is a serious offence, and will be punished.

The smell of perfume can be quite offensive to people with allergies.

Because it was his first offence, he was let off with a warning.

In some countries, selling illegal drugs is an offence which is punishable by


A young American living in Singapore was caned for a vandalism offence, sparking outrage in the U.S.

It is an offence to buy stolen goods.

Ursula found his sexist jokes to be offensive, and she told him so.

Personally, I'm not offended by sex scenes in

movies, but I know some people are very uncomfortable with them.

A known sex offender has been spotted hanging around near the playground.

Contrary to popular belief, research now shows that young offenders generally get stiffer sentences than adults who commit the same crime.


director of the film decided to remove the offending scenes from the movie in order to avoid an X rating.

Studies show that persons prosecuted for criminal offences are disproportionately members of the lower class.

There is a Nigerian proverb which states that it is a fear of offence that makes men swallow poison.

Ambrose Bierce once suggested that to apologize is to lay the foundation for a future offence.

Cicero once stated that justice consists in doing no injury to men; decency in giving them no offence.

Stanley Baldwin once said that the only defense is in offence, which means that you have to kill more women and children more quickly than the enemy if you want to save yourselves.

Cicero once said, "Let the punishment match the offence."

In the 1800s in England, trying to commit suicide was an offence which was punishable by hanging.

During the 18th century, books that were considered offensive were sometimes punished by being whipped.

Catholic bishops once tried to prevent singer Madonna from touring Italy, claiming she was an offence to good taste.

If we were to remove from our libraries every book that someone finds offensive, the shelves would be bare.

Europeans in Madagascar are not called white because the color white is considered offensive in their culture.

A Chinese proverb notes that you can hardly make a friend in a year, but you can easily offend one in an hour.

A Czech proverb observes that if you want to hear the truth about yourself, offend your neighbor.

A Mexican proverb suggests that he who is accustomed to evil is offended by good.

In my experience, I've generally found communication to be a subtle art. Offence is often taken, but rarely intended.

In January of 1991, Allied forces launched a major air offensive against Iraq to begin the Persian Gulf War.

Ludwig Wittgenstein once suggested that no one likes having offended another person; hence everyone feels so much better if the other person doesn't show he's been offended.

Find someone who thinks swearing is offensive.

omit - offspring - offshore - offset - official - offer - 

The word offence sentence

English words and Examples of Usage

Example sentences with the offence, a sentence example for offence, and how to make offence in sample sentence, how do I use the word offencein a sentence?spell offence in a sentence? spelling of offencew