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use "obtain" in a sentence

Where can I obtain information about registering for regular courses?

Some medicinal herbs that were previously obtainable at health stores are now available only with a doctor's prescription.

I bought this CD at a store a few years ago, but now it is completely unobtainable, and

quite valuable.

He obtained a final mark of just over 80%.

Some people seem to think that the way to obtain a perfect body is through the use of drugs and plastic surgery.

He was arrested by police in the act of trying to obtain a false passport.

Vitamins are best

obtained through fresh fruit and vegetables, rather than by taking pills.

There is an Italian proverb which states that by asking for the impossible, you obtain the best possible.

The Buddha reminds us that he who envies others does not obtain peace of mind.

Sir William Bragg

once remarked that the important thing in science is not so much to obtain new facts as to discover new ways of thinking about them.

A person who is lost in the woods, and starving can obtain nourishment by chewing on his shoes; leather has enough nutritional value to keep a person alive for a short time.

Human beings obtain energy by eating and breathing.

She obtained her doctorate after three years of graduate study.

The Spanish explorers who visited the island of Puerto Rico in the 1500s were mainly interested in obtaining gold.

In Costa Rica, obtaining an education has allowed many of those in the working class to move into the middle class.

Brunei is a tiny Islamic country where alcohol is virtually unobtainable.

Nowadays, you can study for school, or even obtain a degree using the Internet.

Estimates of the number of child laborers are difficult to obtain because governments are not keen to measure a phenomenon which is not supposed to exist.

The book is unobtainable because it is out of print, and any copies that do exist are in the hands of collectors.

As soon as my son obtains his learner's license, we will enroll him in driving school.

Some sociologists suggest that people seek others who will satisfy their needs to help them obtain goals.

Find someone who expects to obtain a good mark in this class.

odd - occur - occupy - occupation - occasion - obvious - 

The word obtain sentence

English words and Examples of Usage

Example sentences with the obtain, a sentence example for obtain, and how to make obtain in sample sentence, how do I use the word obtainin a sentence?spell obtain in a sentence? spelling of obtainw